EURAPS Research Council – Information
The ECSAPS (European Congress of Scientists and Plastic Surgeons) has been conceived in May 1997 in Amsterdam during the Annual Meeting of EURAPS in order to provide a working environment where scientists and plastic surgeons with a specific interest in research can meet. The ECSAPS met annually under the aegis of EURAPS. Founding members are Alfred BERGER (Germany), Willy BOECKX (Belgium) and Roy SANDERS (UK). The first Meeting took place under the Presidency of A. BERGER in Hannover in October 1997. In 1998, EURAPS voted to establish a formal affiliation with the ECSAPS and agreed that a prize is given for the best presentation and that the winning paper is invited for the next EURAPS Meeting. To strengthen this affiliation, EURAPS decided in 2011 that the name of its research wing should be changed to EURAPS Research Council and the meetings of both associations should be organized in sequence at the same place. A combined scientific session is the first scientific session of the EURAPS Annual Meeting and is including the three best papers presented at the EURAPS Research Council meeting the year before.
Date and Location of the EURAPS Research Council Meetings
Information on the EURAPS Research Council and abstract submission for future annual meetings at the new and permanent EURAPS Research Council website: